Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Unwinnable Caption Competition - 180214

Sponsored by "Andy Partridge".

Finished off editing the Ric bass parts and started/pretty much finished editing the Squier Strat parts in CE5.

I had to take some extraneous buzzing out of the Strat parts, using AA3 - not entirely successful, but hey, it's dub, innit? One can get away with a certain amount of murder in that genre...

The situation now is that all the parts are in place, but I need to edit "between" the parts to help create the dub effect. I can leave that to mixing time, perhaps.

One thing I need to do is track audio for some of the VST plugin parts. I'll do that tomorrow.

Not sure if the Ebow parts will be used - at this stage I have way too much going on in the track. I'll sleep on it and see what I can do tomorrow.



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